Female Voice Time Clock App for Android

win_logo Voice Desktop Clock

win_logo Voice Digital Clock

android logo Male Voice Time Clock

UI_female_voice clock

Female Voice Time Clock App for Android

is a simple Android application that allows you to announce the current time with a nice english female voice.
The slider allows you to set the repetition of time from 1 to 60 minutes. Setting the slider in position 1 means repeating the current time every minute. Setting the slider in position 2 means repeating the current time every 2 minutes, and so on. Setting the slider to position 60 means repeating the current time exactly every hour. Setting the slider to the extreme left (OFF) disables the application from operation.
Additional settings allow users to set only voice playback of the current time, signaling with the clock's chime or combining these options together.
The switch AM/PM adds or disables the time abbreviations a.m or p.m depending on the time of day. 


  Here are examples of voice announcement (It's two past five pm)

Play Time Only AM/PM ON

Play Time Only AM/PM OFF

    Play Time and Chime AM/PM ON

Play Time and Chime AM/PM OFF

  Application user interface screenshots

clock_screenshot voice_clock_splash_screen voice_clock_screen

Application Private Policy

The application does not contain any ads and does not use any special rights such as internet access, photos, contacts, mic, camera, location.

Female Voice Time Clock ©
link to female voice time clock